Sunday, December 10, 2006

Blogger Wouldn't Let Me Post

For some reason I can't post on any of my other blogs. It's trés annoying.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Good Looks

The best looking people in the world would be the most deserving of their looks. All the horrible people are the ugliest. Murderers and such could then easily be picked out and avoided.

It would be possible to make oneself better or worse looking by doing good or bad deeds. Small good or bad things make you better or worse looking respectively in small ways. And the same goes for big things. For the good deeds you have to mean it, not just be doing good to get better looking so you can gain trust and then like kill someone or something. You have to be working toward self-improvement.

This system gives people incentive to be good and decent people by rewarding them for not being evil.


Everyone in the world would have a catchphrase to make them easily identifiable. For example, George W. Bush ends many of his interview with the words "Now I'm going to get a cheeseburger." This would become his catchphrase. Other people would be monitored to see how often they say certain things. After a few months people would be notified of the thing they've said most that could be used as a catchphrase. For instance, mine would be "to the extreme." If you get tired of your catchphrase you may take legal proceedings to have it removed.